Did you know that although remedial massage therapy is not considered as an allied health profession in the general medical field, the Federal Department of Health and Ageing now classifies remedial massage as an allied health service and therefore includes it under the Home Care Package (HCP) Program if there is an assessed care need for this service.
Remedial massage is available through an approved provider, that is approved by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner to deliver Australian Government subsidised home, residential or flexible care services to eligible older Australians.
A care recipient can access remedial massage therapy services that are provided by a remedial massage therapist through an approved provider when the service is:
required due to age-related functional decline and/or client cannot access disability supports
in line with best practice guidance for treatment
delivered by an accredited provider
not concurrently being funded by another government program
Remedial massage therapists can also provide massage services to people living in retirement homes and aged care facilities who are over 65, who have a HCP.
I am registered as a provider with Radcare, Ravenshoe but if you have a HCP through a different provider I will endeavour to contact them to become a provider if you think you are eligible to receive my services through your package.